Mortgage Broker

Nulla porttitor accumsan tincid. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada.

About Our Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus. Morbi vitae ex ut augue consectetur feugiat. Suspendisse varius viverra euismod. Nullam imperdiet ex ac lorem porta feugiat. Integer leo arcu arcu. Morbi vitae ex ut augue consectetur feugiat. Suspendisse varius viverra euismod. Nullam imperdiet ex ac lorem porta feugiat. Integer leo arcu arcu.

Today's Rates

Pellentesque pulvinar ac lacus vel egestas. Nunc facilisis libero ornare nulla ullamcorper.

Buying a Home

Pellentesque pulvinar ac lacus vel egestas. Nunc facilisis libero ornare nulla ullamcorper.

Diverse Loan Options

Pellentesque pulvinar ac lacus vel egestas. Nunc facilisis libero ornare nulla ullamcorper.

Corporate Services

Pellentesque pulvinar ac lacus vel egestas. Nunc facilisis libero ornare nulla ullamcorper.

Tools & Estimators

Aenean vel libero ac ante bibendum maximus eget id nibh. Mauris luctus diam nec sem venenatis placerat. Nam hendrerit tellus dolor, eget laoreet dui auctor auctor. Mauris tincidunt, purus eget lobortis euismod, velit augue vehicula neque.

Why Choose Us

Pellentesque id elit tempus, semper nibh quis, dictum neque. Donec aliquet sodales risus, nec pretium ligula placerat sit amet. Sed eget lacus est. In eu bibendum nisi. Curabitur mattis augue sed maximus fringilla.

Aliquam pellentesque, justo porta finibus vehicula, lacus purus finibus elit, eu commodo lectus 

Get Started 100% Digitally

Pellentesque id elit tempus, semper nibh quis, dictum neque. Donec aliquet sodales risus, nec pretium ligula placerat sit amet. Sed eget lacus est. In eu bibendum nisi. Curabitur mattis augue sed maximus fringilla.

Aliquam pellentesque, justo porta finibus vehicula, lacus purus finibus elit, eu commodo lectus mauris a enim.


Customer Satisfaction



Happy Customers

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus"

– Robert Henry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus. Morbi vitae ex ut augue consectetur feugiat.

– Robert Henry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus. Morbi vitae ex ut augue consectetur feugiat.

– Robert Henry

Get a Free Consultation

Pellentesque id elit tempus, semper nibh quis, dictum neque. Donec aliquet sodales risus, nec pretium ligula placerat sit amet. Sed eget lacus est. In eu bibendum nisi. Curabitur mattis augue sed maximus fringilla. A liquam pellentesque, justo porta finibus vehicula, lacus purus finibus elit, eu commodo lectus ma

News & Resources

Debby, York

At the age of 81 I found myself divorced and because I ended up owning our home, I needed to pay my ex-husband a lump sum of money I didn’t have. Because of my low income I couldn’t qualify for a regular mortgage. Big Horizon was recommended by my lawyer. Sharron...

Debby, York

At the age of 81 I found myself divorced and because I ended up owning our home, I needed to pay my ex-husband a lump sum of money I didn’t have. Because of my low income I couldn’t qualify for a regular mortgage. Big Horizon was recommended by my lawyer. Sharron...

Sharron interviewed on the WVOM FM “Senior Talk”

Click the link below to hear Sharron interviewed on the WVOM FM “Senior Talk”

NRMLA Member Spotlight 10/2022

Amelia R.

“I called Sharron while searching desperately for alternatives for my 84-year-old mother.  After two full pages of notes, I stopped the phone conversation to let her know that she was the single most competent communicator I had ever dealt with on the phone....

Miriam Whitehouse

In 2008, our family realized that Mom and Dad were having trouble managing on their own. We looked into in-home caregivers but we didn’t know how we would pay for it. Mom and Dad had no income other than social security, so we didn’t have a lot of options. We had...

Victoria, York

Sharron is so competent, easy to work with, she LISTENS, and actively works in the client's best interest. Through her efforts I was able to obtain a reverse mortgage on my home which literally changed my life options.

Karl, Kennebunkport

I’ve known Sharron for years and have always considered her a trusted source for honest, straightforward and clear guidance. A first-class professional with a great demeanor, she is capable of distilling a complex process into its essential elements.

Sean, Portland

I worked with Sharron when I bought my first home - a multi-family using an FHA loan, and she was incredibly patient, helpful, and knowledgeable. She also found lower rates than any of the banks or credit unions I had contacted, and the process was smooth throughout....

Adrienne, Rockland

The service Sharron provided could not have been better!  What could have been a very daunting process was eased by Sharron's clear communications about the timeline and the documents needed. Highly recommend.

Sharon, South Paris

I recently purchased a home using a reverse mortgage. Without Sharron's knowledge, attention to detail and focus on this project it would probably not have come to fruition! 

Debby, York

At the age of 81 I found myself divorced and because I ended up owning our home, I needed to pay my ex-husband a lump sum of money I didn’t have. Because of my low income I couldn’t qualify for a regular mortgage. Big Horizon was recommended by my lawyer. Sharron...

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